thank you
Bag Mandela
for being kind enough to review said evidence of my non-caucushisness lmao.
and let’s not forget this gem:
and just like that, the two main sources of tearfall for r!cantheoryz and his superweirdo alter ego knoxville have been thoroughly debunked.
looks like i’m an upstanding citizen nigga. wrap that shit around a dick to make it easier for you to digest lol.
you see how this backfired on you, rican? you spoke real greazy about not “running to staff” only to publicly try to sway a moderator into taking action based off a false accusation. how stupid are you? lol. ever since i been here you been tryna tell the mods & admins what to do, and it’s always been shit that benefits you, and never the overall good of the site. smfh..
you’re a selfish, delusional, childish, self aggrandizing, manipulative, petulant, vote swaying, battle ducking, verse feeding, hate voting, non spelling, petty, hypocritical, bipolar, pathologically lying, narcissistic, cowardly excuse for a man, let alone a battle emcee. you need Jesus nigga. and not Heysus the orange vendor. i’m talking Yehoshua HaMashiach.
i’m sure your migrant shelter has a dictionary somewhere in it, idiot. use it.
every single thing you’ve accused me of looks more like a confession on your part.
nigga begging to be a mod & getting straight ignored rofl..
nigga begging for cypher trophies despite being terrified of entering one even for a cash prize.
the bullshit you pulled in this thread, crying to a moderator tryna get me banned cuz you hoped i was a racist like you lmao.
running around posting under multiple accounts like a fucking schizo bitch.
everything you’ve accused me of, there is public proof of you engaging in that behavior lmao..
the site admins and mods already put you in your place more than twice regarding me ahahaha..
you’re cooked, coward. all you can do now is yell into empty air.
you’ll never admit how stupid you feel, but i know you feel stupid as FUCK. and you should