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View Poll Results: Who should win this battle?

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  • Virbius

    1 100.00%
  • Sardon

    0 0%
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Thread: Virbius vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

  1. #1
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    Virbius vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    Lines: 8
    Due date: Take as long as you need little bro.
    Rules: No snarfing, snoofing, or rebuttals. Recips only. No flugelhorning. Only votes from accounts with 20+ posts will be counted (jk).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hey, Sar…

    Your shit’s the lowest form of wit, I can’t fathom.
    Gee I really hope this bitch ain’t die in a pit… what’s that? Sar chasm.
    Sardon seeming mixed up, he ain’t come to prosper, when his parents find him lying dying, slumped in posture,
    His mother must be dyslexic, I ain’t one to mock her, but when she sees ‘Sardon’ she’ll call her ‘son a dr.’
    He’s just a cunt imposter, not a fucking threat, Mir said he had too few posts to vote, Sar got dumb upset…
    17, 18, 19 posts… still ain’t done it yet… this bitch pissed off he get the right to vote til the twenties, like a suffragette.
    I’mma watch you gasping your last breaths of air… your shit’s commonplace and my art’s very rare…
    Social distancing wasn’t a hard test to bear, I stand out from the crowd and there’s SARS everywhere.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Oregon City

    Re: Virbius vs Sardon


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2024
    Oregon City

    Re: Virbius vs Sardon


    His swagger = Wearing crocs on a first date. So give me that lunch money and have fun finding out how dirt tastes
    Virb's lame, if he tried rapping he'd get quiver lips. I'd probably have better punchlines if in 4 years he actually did some shit.
    According to him, he and Miracle are not fags. If you want to prove it, give Mir's penis some breathing room like Lamaze class.
    Knoxville is patient 0, but he's quite rich. Afterall he's somewhere between John's 1 and 4 today taking EXCLUSIVELY white dick.
    Like why take an open battle against me, I wonder why. Because Virb defines action, but his record says otherwise. (no battles?)
    As a new user, I'm not even sure its worth trying. Because I brought up clear problems with Miracle, so it's obvious Virb bias.
    Your girl's the apple of your eye? well listen. I'll take a razor to your sight and make Motts out of your vision.
    I'm from Oregon City bitch, that point is proud. You seem to be from Parts Unknown, who are you Doink the Clown.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2024
    Oregon City

    Re: Virbius vs Sardon

    why doesn't this say open for votes

  5. #5
    You've Earned a Custom Title! TheShaman's Avatar
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    Re: Virbius vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    This was a nice battle. Sardon was surprisingly good. The rhyme style is very clear and coherent. Lamaze class was dope. But there were a couple of things I didn't get, like why mention Knoxville out of the blue? I think the assumed knowledge of niche personages and online beefs and who said this and that is a flaw of battle rap in general, so it's basically the same here. And the Virb bias bar was double edged, because there might be some truth to the line, I don't know, but in that case the truth factor (which is very underestimated) adds some points. But I read Virbius as Vir-bee-us. So I didn't actually get the bar at first.

    Virb started out with a nice nameplay by actually being sardonic. And it's mentioned pretty clearly in the setup without having to be spelled out, which I like. The next bar didn't really hit me, though. It took me a while to figure out it was an anagram, but to me that's a reach. The hallows-shallow one you did recently was fire, but here I feel like there were no other meaningful idea to make such a random nameflip work. Suffragette line was hard, though. And contrary to Sardon's reference to inside chit chat, here you actually add the whole context in the setup so the audience is prepared for the punch. SARS line was dope too, plus setups like "my art's very rare" are great when there's actually some weight to them.

    Mvgt Virb.

  6. #6
    tha pendragon mal diction's Avatar
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    Re: Virbius vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    this is another battle that could be better... Sardon needs to work on his structure ad be wittier... Virbius edged out with better (not good) but better structure ad wittier puns

    v- virbius

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