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Thread: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston DIA WINS

  1. #1 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston DIA WINS

    LLL Season 24
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    @Joe Boston @Diasick

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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston


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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston


  4. #4
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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston

    Kid ain’t shit stop putting himself on that pedestal
    It’s gonna Qasem his life I’ll have him dead quicker than a Iranian general
    Fat fuck never seen a vegetable in his life gets a hard on everytime he licks steak blood off his knife
    To be on top the food chain he’ll pawn all his jewelry, first born and soon to be wife
    Strong advice don’t ever video record yourself again on any rap battle site
    Take a deep breath before you spit fat ass, but for you that’ll be a physical fight
    It’s not right I bash his appearance but really what’s this fag gonna do
    Sharp weapon selection, I know what my Pixar or Elsa barrel down his throat will leave him frozen 2
    Stop acting like you have the n pass I know a few who’ll bust that ass for how you speak hoe
    You’ll never last in a room full of blacks, everyone knows around them you get more tremors than Puerto Rico

  5. #5 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston

    @Diasick due tomorrow

  6. #6

    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston

    You come to battles in a suit, the tie can be used as a noose in the end.
    wouldn’t accuse you of recycling cuz ur verses aren’t worth using again.
    Nothing about joe’s hood, it aint cuz of fights if they send this guy a medic.
    Cuz only reason this pussy receiving shots is because he’s a fucking diabetic.
    You have more L’s than W’s, there’s video evidence of you failing on sight.
    Only way you can improve your self is if your husband buys you a peloton bike.
    You’ll still be a fat waste of space, give up and die like u’re refusing chemo.
    You’ll learn that there’s no heroin joe, relax it’s just insulin if he reused a needle.
    If a bitch sleep with bos, there’s a word for women that try to pull that shit.
    In my pm like “no one respects me”, so I’m not the only one that thinks ur full of shit?

  7. #7
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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston

    Kid ain’t shit stop putting himself on that pedestal
    It’s gonna Qasem his life I’ll have him dead quicker than a Iranian general
    Points for freshness. But simply using a name as a wordplay and that's IT, isn't too witty. So this bar wasn't as harsh as I would like.
    Fat fuck never seen a vegetable in his life gets a hard on everytime he licks steak blood off his knife
    To be on top the food chain he’ll pawn all his jewelry, first born and soon to be wife
    Yo that first sentence is way too long. Gotta shorten that up. I originally thought that was the whole bar. And the punch wasn't creative unless I'm missing something
    Strong advice don’t ever video record yourself again on any rap battle site
    Take a deep breath before you spit fat ass, but for you that’ll be a physical fight
    Eh again, not creative enough to impress.
    It’s not right I bash his appearance but really what’s this fag gonna do
    Sharp weapon selection, I know what my Pixar or Elsa barrel down his throat will leave him frozen 2
    Another time where it's too long. I like what you were trying to do, but the poor wording (stretched) lessened the impact.
    Stop acting like you have the n pass I know a few who’ll bust that ass for how you speak hoe
    You’ll never last in a room full of blacks, everyone knows around them you get more tremors than Puerto Rico
    First off, the concept is ok. But the wording again makes the flow weak.

    Getting your shit to flow right is your main flaw. Check the amount of syllables in your shit:

    See how that varies greatly. You want them relatively similar, and shorter. Ideally both lines in the bar are the exact same count. If you would've done this one thing your shit would've been much doper. I applaud you using current events (Qasem & puerto rico). The creativity is showing as well (pixar/elsa) but the wording needs to level up.



    You come to battles in a suit, the tie can be used as a noose in the end.
    wouldn’t accuse you of recycling cuz ur verses aren’t worth using again.
    Set up a little weird, but the punch is short, simple and to the point. Flows well, hits decent.
    Nothing about joe’s hood, it aint cuz of fights if they send this guy a medic.
    Cuz only reason this pussy receiving shots is because he’s a fucking diabetic.
    Not sure how played shots/diabetic is, but I only judge on if I seen it, which I haven't. Decent again
    You have more L’s than W’s, there’s video evidence of you failing on sight.
    Only way you can improve your self is if your husband buys you a peloton bike.
    Not horrible, but not a DAMN bar. Average filler.
    You’ll still be a fat waste of space, give up and die like u’re refusing chemo.
    You’ll learn that there’s no heroin joe, relax it’s just insulin if he reused a needle.
    Took me a second. Not feeling the flow in the punch.
    If a bitch sleep with bos, there’s a word for women that try to pull that shit.
    In my pm like “no one respects me”, so I’m not the only one that thinks ur full of shit?

    You're wording is a lot better than Joe's. And with neither side having a true "bar of the battle" or anything that stood out specifically, that's enough to sway it in your favor.


    Vote: Diasick

  8. #8
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston VOYE NOW!!

    Kid ain’t shit stop putting himself on that pedestal
    It’s gonna Qasem his life I’ll have him dead quicker than a Iranian general

    had a potential hitter with the pixar elsa but wording made it fall flat


    You come to battles in a suit, the tie can be used as a noose in the end.
    wouldn’t accuse you of recycling cuz ur verses aren’t worth using again.

    close but i thought dia's non quotables were better than joes. for that reason dia gets my vote


  9. #9 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston VOYE NOW!!

    Qasum was cool..
    Food chain line was stretched and didnt pack a real punch
    Physical fight was blah.. Frozen line could of been cool but was little choppy
    Finisher was little long but ok..little corney


    Opener was cool..nothing to hard but a connecting jab
    Shot was mild... Pelaton bike was weak w no real punch
    Heroin was cool i thought
    Closwr was weak

    Vote DIA

    stronger verse plus smoother

  10. #10
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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston VOYE NOW!!

    I have Joe Boston winning.

    @Echelon this shit dont count as a vote.. Break it down -mir
    Last edited by miracle; January 11th, 2020 at 10:09 PM

  11. #11

    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston VOYE NOW!!

    Vote-Joe Boston

    Joe’s verse hit harder to me. I like the Qasem line. It felt like more was put into his verse. The Pixar line landed. Good wordplay. The verse stayed consistent throughout.

    Diasick started out with a nice opener. For me it fell off at the receiving shots/diabetic line. I get what you tried to do there, respect. You could have landed that flush, but you still did damage. From there you flowed but I didn’t feel you beat your opponent this time. Your last 4 bars didn’t match the level of what you opened with.

    Look forward to seeing more from you both.

  12. #12 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Week 17: Diasick vs Joe Boston VOYE NOW!!

    3-1 dia

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