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Thread: Sweet Dreams Gabriel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    NY, CT, NC (CT currently)
    Battle Record

    Sweet Dreams Gabriel

    Sweet Dreams Gabriel

    Next week it will be a year since you passed in my arms
    The pain still burns like fire more furious then 5 alarms
    I hate him! For giving me such a gift of love and then taking it away
    How much fucking wrong had I done to deserve you taken that way
    You pictures hang on my walls, your ashes next to my bed
    But the memories brand and torture me as they spin around in my head
    I knew it was coming, I just refused to let you go
    Daddy said no and I pulled it anyway - just though you should know
    And I don’t know if I did it for you or for me
    And until I get that answer I’m stuck in this insanity
    Baby boy all those nights I spent crying praying he would fix you
    But you just got worse and worse and there was nothing else we could do
    When they said hyperplasia and you couldn’t even digest, I knew
    Time to G up and do what a mom’s go to do
    Gabey it wasn’t the money, it wasn’t the pain
    It was watching you suffer that drove me insane
    Nights when you were supposed to be sleeping peacefully
    You’d violently seize and every time it stole a piece of me
    My heart was breaking right before my eyes
    I never knew love until those moments when I would realize
    All those nights we spent back and forth to the ER
    That night you looked at me and I swear your eyes whispered mommy no more
    I think back to when you were 11 weeks old and I broke down in the shower
    Praying to God for help, I felt like such a coward
    13 months he gave us and fuck him for that
    We turned cold together, your body, my heart, that night as we sat
    I am far from perfect Gabriel and this I know you know
    But my love for you is never ending and the purest I’ll ever know
    I pushed you away and buried the memories, I even left our home
    To think of you alone up there but at least I know heaven is where you roam
    Gabriel – the messenger – the one of God for which I named you
    But what is the message he sent in which he stole back too
    I hate him, I hate him for what he did to you
    I hate him for what he did to me
    And sometimes I feel like the hate will last all eternity
    I can’t forgive, I can’t understand, but I will no longer sit here and demand
    Gabey Baby I guess I just pray you will be the one to come back and rescue me
    Rescue my heart that died that night with you and finally stop the fury
    You were my light, my hope, my strength
    And for your love I’ll still go to any length

    Godspeed my sweet angel mommy and daddy will always love you
    Gabriel ~ 11/11/11 – 12/6/12

  2. #2
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    CT (wtby)
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    Re: Sweet Dreams Gabriel

    My first Dog... the puppy I bought that I always wanted that no one could take away from me but God himself. I'm not mad at God anymore - Im thankful for the blessing of being able to know and take care of him. And I learned about love like being a mommy which I never got to be except for Gabe. My fire has faded in that aspect. And I hear I get my happiness in older age. I still have hope my time is coming. And either way is ok cause when the psychic told me what he said I knew it was only God that could've told him. So if that helps MY God realize what side it really is. I would never leave or be against Gaby and I still will let him do WHAT EVER he wants to do. I never even had to discipline him. So I know I would've been a good mom. Just like I knew when to pull his cord, I trust he knows when it's too much for me too. There's life after death FOR SURE!

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